New Magelis industrial PCs
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New Magelis industrial PCs

Magelis from Schneider Electric

New Magelis industrial PCs The new range of Magelis industrial PCs (iPCs) from Schneider Electric offers tough ruggedised designs, suitability for continuous operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, great tolerance to impact and vibration with global certifications.

To simplify selection and to provide efficient solutions for a wide range of applications, the new PCs are offered in four steps, ranging from ruggedised displays and simple low-cost thin client browsers right up to flexible modular iPC assemblies. The range spans from 8.4” to 19” screen sizes, in a wide choice of specification.

Pre-installed software bundles such as Schneider Electric’s Vijeo Citect SCADA package and the Vijeo Designer HMI package simplify application implementation and reduce costs further still.

On the top step of new iPC range is the Magelis Modular iPC, which combines high-end performance with total flexibility. Users can specify virtually every aspect of the machine's configuration, including the display, which is available in touch-screen, keypad and combined touchscreen / keypad versions; the CPU; the memory; the operating system; the operating voltage; and the expansion facilities.

Modular iPCs have sophisticated internal diagnostics that warn users when environmental parameters are approaching their limits. They also feature a patented system of construction that makes it easy to remove key components such as hard drives and power supplies as an aid to fast and easy maintenance.

For applications where modularity is not required, Magelis Compact iPCs on the second step of the new range offer an outstanding price/performance ratio. All-in-one touchscreen products, they are available with screen sizes of 8.4", 12.1" and 15.1". All versions feature exceptionally compact construction together with easy installation and set up, making them an ideal choice for machine builders.

Where users have requirement that involve reader/browser PC nodes, or running client applications such as Schneider Electric's new Vijeo Citect SCADA platform, Magelis Smart iPCs – the third step in the new range – are an attractive option.

These thin-client web-browser iPCs use the Windows XPe operating system and can be supplied with 8.4", 12.1" and 15.1" touchscreens. Since they use no rotating components, such as hard disks, floppy drives or CD drives, they offer very fast booting, and can be used in even the harshest of environments.

The last addition to Schneider Electric's new iPC range are Magelis i-Display flatscreen monitors with touchscreen interface. Offered in 15" and 19" versions, the latter with SXGA 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution, they are suitable for connection to any PC that has either a VGA or DVI interface to provide a ruggedised front-end display.
18/03/2008 - Acest articol a fost citit de 2771 ori Recomanda
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Noua BSP41 pentru identificarea simplă a tablourilor electrice

imprimanta idenficare tablouri electrice
Firele, cablurile și componentele identificate corect vă oferă imediat o imagine clară privind modul de funcționare și de conectare a unui tablou electric.

Tablourile electrice pot fi identificate acum mai eficient cu noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor și tablourilor BSP41.

Identificați toate blocurile terminale

Noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor È™i tablourilor BSP41 poate imprima pe etichete de identificare rigide pentru toate mărcile majore de blocuri terminale È™i componente pentru tablouri electrice. Cu BSP41, constructorii de tablouri nu mai au nevoie de câte o imprimantă de etichete rigide pentru fiecare marcă utilizată. Brady Corporation oferă o listă de mărci de blocuri terminale care au fost testate în privinÈ›a compatibilității cu noua BSP41.

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