Russian electric car
Vineri, 21 Februarie 2025
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Russian electric car

The First Electrical Car In Russia

Automobile electrice Rusia The head of the communications and transportation in the municipality of Moscow Leonid Ibsets that it is likely to start in 2009 in the production of the first electric car, and during the meeting of the Department of the Russian capital yesterday.

He Ibsets in statements reported by the Russian news agency "Novosti": "we have been studying the possibility of buying electric cars abroad, but from Moscow in 2009 will begin in the compilation of national electric car manufacture and use." It is scheduled to be completed in Moscow in the current year build the first factory for the production of vehicles running on electricity, which will be tested first Russian electric cars.

He noted that the purchase of the first batch experimental environmentally clean electric cars from foreign producers. And the ability of the engines used ranged between 9 and 30 kW and the extent of work without recharging batteries approximately 150 km.

The head of the Communications and Transport: "If the use of electric cars on a large scale will be charged less than those cars operating gasoline."

Source: Osama1800
07/06/2008 - Acest articol a fost citit de 4021 ori Recomanda
 Nota acordata: 1 (data de 80 vizitatori)
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Noua BSP41 pentru identificarea simplă a tablourilor electrice

imprimanta idenficare tablouri electrice
Firele, cablurile și componentele identificate corect vă oferă imediat o imagine clară privind modul de funcționare și de conectare a unui tablou electric.

Tablourile electrice pot fi identificate acum mai eficient cu noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor și tablourilor BSP41.

Identificați toate blocurile terminale

Noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor și tablourilor BSP41 poate imprima pe etichete de identificare rigide pentru toate mărcile majore de blocuri terminale și componente pentru tablouri electrice. Cu BSP41, constructorii de tablouri nu mai au nevoie de câte o imprimantă de etichete rigide pentru fiecare marcă utilizată. Brady Corporation oferă o listă de mărci de blocuri terminale care au fost testate în privința compatibilității cu noua BSP41.

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